Saturday, August 18, 2007

There is nothing remotely spiritual about this blog today. It is camp-related, in a way, though. The amazing God stuff from camp will be posted soon, along with lots of pics.

Our camp was in Jos, the city I live in, so I just drove home every night. However, last night was the final night of camp and it is not safe to drive late at night here, so I opted to sleep in the house where the Nigerian staff were sleeping. I had assumed I would have a bed. Well, you know what assuming does to you. I found out too late that I was going to have to sleep on the floor. Now, I had a mattress, so you may ask why was this a problem? Well, I have stayed in this house before and I have seen the rats and mice that abide in the home. So sleeping on the floor was not cool, but it had to be done.

I wrapped my sheet all around me and even covered my head, thinking that this would protect me from Stuart Little and his giant friends. I was in that state of sleep when I was aware of my vulnerability, yet still trying to be asleep. Unfortunately, my foot escaped the safety and shelter of the sheet. And, yes, the rat rubbed against my foot and I was immediately awake and kicking like mad. I kept my eyes focused on the ceiling because I did not want to actually see my visitor. After a few seconds, I high-tailed it to the living room and crashed on the couch. Of course, sleep alluded me all night, for I was very aware of the presence of the visitors.

Still makes me squirm.


Anonymous said...

That's the stuff we want to hear about. :) The spiritual stuff is great, too, but nothing beats a rat story.


Anonymous said...

i agree with kerry. great story! but, man, that would've freaked me out too! yikes! although, it was funny that this past week my brother-in-law was awakened in the middle of the night by a mouse biting his finger, and this was on the outskirts of Toronto! Crazy, eh? It's always great to read your blogs and see what your life is like. Dan and I arrived in Senegal this morning at 4:50 AM and are already loving it. Oh, to think of the adventures that await us! You're in my prayers, Erin!