Sunday, August 05, 2007

Rest accomplished

Many of you will be thrilled to hear that I rested this weekend. With the exception of church this morning, I was in my house in comfy clothes all weekend. For those of who do not know me - this is a victory and an answer to prayer that I am learning to rest. I even forced myself to lay down on the couch today, even though I was not tired. A few hours later, I woke up :)

I watched a couple movies, worked on my computer a lot (but still in comfy clothes, drinking coffee and listening to great music), visited with my neighbor and slept.

The calm before the storm. A good storm is coming our way. The Chicago Team from Moody Church arrives in Jos on Friday!!! I am really excited about this group of 6; two of them came with a previous team to Nigeria. Next Monday, Camp starts!!!!!!

Since 'my' team is hosting camp, that put me in charge of camp. Thankfully, we are doing the camp for the older kids and not the smaller ones, so that means less 'activity' times and more God times. The Jr boys are having camp, hosted by an Irish team and longterm Danish missionaries. More to come...

Below is a pic of Abner and me - many of you have heard about him and will be happy to hear that he just graduated from primary school! A precious couple in Colorado have 'adopted' him and want to send him to a private secondary school in September. An incredible opportunity for an incredible young man.

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