Friday, August 24, 2007

Seeking Him

The Chicago Team from Moody Church left yesterday. We had an amazing two weeks together. God definitely hand-picked the six special folks that made up the team. Each of them brought unique gifts into the time with the boys, specifically during camp. I have posted 31 pics HERE .

The pics above are of us at the Miango Falls and of me sharing my testimony at Camp, with our theme verse in background - Psalm 139:23-24

Our older boys sometimes get the shaft, so to speak, because we have to 'dumb-down' things sometimes, to accomodate the younger ones who live in the Care Centers, too. Our goal at Camp was to dig deep into the Word with the boys, to expose them to intimate encounters with God. To facilitate this, each Chicago team member had a small group of boys that they met with three times a day during Camp. As they spent time going through the study "Seeking Him" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grissom, they addressed humility, obedience, honesty, repentance, and having a personal devotional life.

We saw immediately that the boys were clinging onto every word and were thirsty for more. This really shows us as leaders in the ministry how we need to improve on meeting the spiritual needs of all the boys, in creative and diligent ways.

I had never been a camp director before, so it was a new experience, but I loved it! I worked alongside Elisha and Bob, two Nigerian staff, and God really helped us to communicate well and to be a team all week.

I have more to share, but am also trying to catch up on a lot, so will stop here.

1 comment:

Jonathan Blundell said...

Awesome photos! Now we just need to get you to start posting them on Flickr :-) I think you'll enjoy it more.
Mike Blythe at the hospital posts all his photos there if you have any questions, or give me a shout...