Monday, March 24, 2008

In Sickness and in Health...

Nope, am not married or even close to it.... but this is how I have been feeling regarding my second term in Nigeria. I have been sick on and off since I returned last April, 11 months ago from today. My immune system has been shot from a crazy lung disease I picked up a couple years ago, making me susceptable to other things.

I had to stay home again today (4th day) bc this laryngitis has kicked my tail. I am able to talk now, thankfully. But the coughing is exhausting me and I think that may be more my lung thing acting up now, not the laryngitis. I am getting frustrated by the up and down health thing. Can you please pray for me?

I am working this whole thing through with God. What more can I do for myself that I am not already doing? What should I take away/add? Adding can be a good thing, if I am missing something. How does God view sickness and service? I know He says in Psalm 40 (and many other places) that He is not looking for sacrifices or burnt offerings? but just me. But then how does that compute when so many Christians all over the world are much worse off than me, but God has them that way for a reason and for a purpose? and many of them keep pressing on. Is
it giving up to step back and take care of my body? I know God will not love me any less. He finally got that through my thick skull. But now I am working through how much is too much? where faith and trust collide with reason and common sense?

I know I am vulnerable right now, bc I have spent most of the past 2 weeks sick (had giardia before this laryngitis). And in this state, I don't have much compassion for others or a desire to serve when I have a coughing fit every 10 min. Sigh. Thank God He loves me no matter what!

So, that's where I am at the moment. Not too pretty. But am working it through with the Lord and am in constant communication with Him. This I DO know is what He wants and desires, so will keep it up til He answers ;)

Allah ya kara mani sauki = May God increase my strength


Jonathan Blundell said...

praying for you my sister.
may God increase the strength of your body, heart, soul and faith.
i will pray that He lifts you up on wings like eagles.

groove on!

angelsdreams said...

Dear Erin,
My heart goes out to you in this time of need. Kristen and I are and will continue to pray for you and your health. I have forwarded your blog to my dearest friends who spent 50 years in missions work as I feel they can best guide you in this matter of health and ministry.
I know God is using you there with those precious children.
I have personal experienced a life changing health issue and know God has a purpose in all this for you and He has answers for you.

Dear Father watch over this precious young woman and restore her health. Guide her in an understanding of how to care for herself while serving you there in Nigeria,
In Jesus prescious name, amen,
harry molder

Jim said...

Thanks for the great post, Erin! I suspect that there are many, many of us who could echo the exact same questions and frustrations.

The Stauffacher Family said...

Hey sister... Praying for you. We had about 4 weeks of sickness this last year and me I was sick for 6 weeks this feb sorry you are sick I know that it takes all the energy to survive everyday then to add sickness Yuck! Praying for you! Love-Amy Louise