Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Other Kind of Tree

My last entry was about the planting of my tree in Gyero. The baby tree is struggling, thanks to the village goats who come by and eat the leaves. The girls assured me that they are chasing away the goats anytime they see them coming.

I just have to share with you about another kind of tree in Gyero. First, I have to say that lots of folks say the word s**t instead of 'poop' or '#2', as we say in the States. Not sure why, but that is how it is and it is acceptable. So, the other day Nicky was walking with a kid in the village and they were looking for a place to sit down. She saw a tree and said they should sit under it. "No Aunty!," the boy replied, 'that is the s**t tree!!!" Apparently, lots of kids do their business under the tree! :) And you can bet there is lots of grass growing under it, too.

Oh, village life. Nigerian life. I still find myself thinking 'is this for real?' or 'pinch me' - even after almost four years!


Jonathan Blundell said...

Be sure and take the CWF guys and teh Crazy Texas Team over there. :-)

Angie Velasquez Thornton said...

we were shocked to hear people in quebec use the s-word so lightly, too! i think when english isn't your first language it doesn't make you cringe to hear certain bad words used freely. we heard a number of them used by frenchies in quebec that shocked us and made us laugh. i have yet to hear any in senegal, though!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Erin for the great mission work you are doing in Nigeria. I happen to be from Jos,I remember the good old days of beautiful and clean city of Jos, the pretty plateau golf club, next door to the SIM, the kingsway grocery stores, the Challaram's grocery stores etc. All these have changed because of a few top officials who have forsaking God's way to enrich themselves corruptly to the detriment of many. but the love of God for the people has not changed, that is why he ordered your beautiful steps and caring nature to Jos. We are trully blessed to have you. We ask God to continue to bless you and enrich you in all aspects of your life and your ministry, and be sure not only to stay away from the s**t tree, but also from the uninformed top officials. However, it is always okay to minister to them.

Oral Roberts University