Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It is ok to ask

What a gorgeous Texas morning. I sat on the front porch and just drank in the silence, the sweet smells, and the incredible sunrise. I just love it when trees come into bloom after the rains come.

The thunder and lightning are so powerful and to me, communicate God's power and sovereignty. The rains bring freshness, vitality, and rebirth to our land. God's might is displayed in our lives and He desires to bring His power and rebirth into our lives each day.

My mom has been pouring over Nehemiah and I had to ask her why. I mean, I just naturally turn to the New Testament because it is familiar to me. The Old Testament sometimes seems daunting and really intense. Know what I mean? She said Nehemiah is a great book to read if we feel God is moving us to a new place in life or if we need direction. Cool. Because that is where I am!

The past few months of rest and healing have been incredible and my eyes have been opened in many ways. I praise God for doing a new thing in my heart and for allowing me to return to Nigeria (soon I hope!) with a new song to sing.

So I started reading Nehemiah this morning, while on the front porch. Good stuff. Intense stuff. I need to remember that this man was just that - a man. And yet, he called on God's power and God showed him favor.

I love it in Chapter 2 verses 7 and 8 how Nehemiah was not afraid to ask the king for help. The text note shares that we should not be reluctant to ask others for help. People will usually surprise us by how willing they are to help us meet our needs, whatever the need may be.

So, take it from Nehemiah, who first asked God and then asked man. It is ok to ask for help.

1 comment:

Ilovepodcasts said...


Thank you for this post! I've been listening to a sermon series on Nehemiah by Mark Driscoll the last few weeks and he has a lot of great insight on the book. I recommend it if you get a chance to listen: http://www.marshillchurch.org/sermonseries/nehemiah/default.aspx

We will be praying for you as you prepare to return to Nigeria!
