Monday, January 12, 2009

He took it !!

On December 13th, I wrote a blog and titled it 'He can take it'. I shared my struggle with the financial needs of the ministry and how I knew I was depending too much on myself to try and fix the problem. That's so American, by the way, to try and fix everything. :) I am praying that I will focus more on relationships than on tasks, but that is a challenge here in this task-driven society. Well, God knows my heart....

Anyways, the reason I was so burdened on the 13th, was because I was sharing about the ministry at The Moody Church Christmas Festival on the 14th. To about 4,000 people. Yeah.

I rarely ever get nervous in public speaking, so the fact that I was nervous made me even more nervous. That's why I knew I needed to take it to Him, and let Him take it from me. And boy, did He take it!!!

Yesterday in church, Pastor Lutzer shared how, in the 30 years of being at pastor at Moody, he had never said something about the people of Moody Church . He had never said that he is proud of them. But, he decided it is time to say he is proud of the church! Then he called me up on stage (took me by surprise) and said "At the Christmas Festival, Erin shared that City Ministries needs $50,000 to help feed the kids. We did not get $50,000. This morning, your bulletin says we got $62,000. We did not get $62,000. In fact, we raised $76,500!!!"
(again, took me by surprise). :)

Is that not just the coolest, most wonderful display of generosity from God's people? Especially taking into consideration the economic issues. This testifies that God is not bound by earthly things and that His purposes will be accomplished! It is up to us if we want to be a part of His plans.

I am so thankful to Pastor Erwin Lutzer (pictured here on the night of the Festival) for his support, compassion, and love for City Ministries Nigeria. The people of The Moody Church have sacrificially given, so very generously, so that the children in Nigeria can know that they will get three meals every day for the next year.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. ~ Malachi 3:10


A Khudori Soleh said...

salam from khudori. nice blog

carloesse75 said...

Good morning ;-)) I will read the template then I read everything ....
I imagine the excitement of the stage (which I do not know the thrill), but a emozioe largest ...

what you have collected for people who need and unfortunately there are many more are added with the passage of days.

a great initiative!
Here in Italy we do just because the money in your pocket to finish those already in it a lot, instead of going to those who sofre.
I apologize for an English dancer ... ;-)
Thanks Carlo

heisfirst said...

Congratulations, Ms. Rigsby!

God is wonderful. =)

I loved the video that you made, and reposted it on my blog. I liked the background music--good choice. =)

Praying for you~
John 3:30-31

webfoot42 said...

how inspiring, thak you so much for sharing this experience.

rc in temple