Saturday, December 08, 2007

Helping Ladi

Last week, GayLynn and I went out to a village to visit Ladi. She is a niece of one of our good friends, Danjuma, and she recently fell into a fire during a seizure. She has a history of seizures and the family believes that when a seizure happens, that she is possessed by demons. So, they concluded that medicine cannot help her. Now, I do believe that Satan can manifest himself in a seizure, but the most likely reason for seizures over a long period of time would be epilepsy.

Soon after she was burned, Danjuma went the village, pleading them to bring her into Jos for medical treatment, but they refused. GayLynn and I were really burdened for her, so we decided to travel there (about an hour away) and see if God would use us. GayLynn is an occupational therapist and has cared for many burn patients whose joints have been affected, so I was really glad she was there.

When we got there, Ladi was sitting in the doorway of the mud house, without a shirt on and flies buzzing all around her. GayLynn and I realized that it was not lack of love from the family, but lack of education. We spent time explaining to them all the reasons she really needed medical attention. God showed us favor, and His love for Ladi, and the parents agreed that she could come for help. This is a big commitment for her mom, as she has to stay with Ladi in the hospital. In Nigeria, each patient must have a family member present at all times to cook, to clean the patient, and care for them.

Ladi's wounds have been cleaned and GayLynn is working on helping Ladi to straighten her arms and fingers. Ladi's mind has been affected, perhaps by all the seizures, and so she has not been too cooperative. Please pray that she will understand the need to receive help. She looks young, but she has a one year old son waiting in the village for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

erin, you are a dear servant of our lord, and i am touched by your heart and the story of ladi. thank you.