Gidan Bege, meaning "House of Hope" in Hausa, is living up to its name. God has blessed us with the opportunity to care for street boys who have decided they want to change their lives and, as a result, many have become Christians. On Thursdays, boys are invited to come to Gidan Bege to learn English, to eat, and to receive medical attention. If a child expresses a desire to leave the streets, he stays at Gidan Bege center for a time of counseling and observation. After weeks or months, depending on each child, he is moved to a Care Center. We have four Care Centers right now, where the children live, holding a total of 124 boys from the ages of six to twenty years old.

Last week we took the 68 boys from our Jos Center to Miango for a week of camp! The theme was "Armed in God's Love," focusing on the armor of God and the victory available to His children. This truth is vital for the children to understand, since they have been held in bondage of fear and deceit for so long. The boys were assigned to a Bible Study group, which met every morning, studying being a warrior of the King. Each afternoon, the staff taught electives such as "Injury and Prevention," "Music," and "Hiking." We also held our own Olympics, had a Treasure Hunt, played lots of football and spent quality time with each other.
Every night during camp we met for praise and worship. Man, do these boys know how to dance! I absolutely love to join in with them, praising God together, in sincerity and freedom. From the youngest to the oldest, they sing at the top of their lungs, some with eyes closed and hands raised, praising their Redeemer. They know what it is like to be in chains, and now they are free! Their innocence in worship brings laughter to my lips because I see them as they are… children. They have seen and done things in the past that would cause some of us to shudder. Yet, God knows they are simply children, and He invites them to come and worship Him.